Canvas of Life, Look Closely

Canvas of Life, Look Closely

Even thought ALS robbed him of doing almost anything, Steve chose to love, to stay positive, and to create art.

Mostly confined in his bed or wheelchair, he and his wife Hope figured out how he could create and, by selling his paintings, help provide for them, as Hope left her career to care for him full time.

This poem was first published in my book Still Howling, in 2016.

The painting, Hope, by Steve Dezember II, is the art on the book cover and is at the bottom of this post

Canvas of Life, Look Closely

The Divine Studio

The Divine Studio

(“The Divine Studio” from Hafiz – see Why I Write)

The divine studio is the mind. And the heart. And the soul. This is where art happens – for the artist and for those the artist engages.

In writing, art happening and audience engagement is through the magic of words.

I am nearly always in my studio – writing in my head and from my heart and my soul – and when I can, at my computer.

Getting others into my studio to see my art takes, first, crafted style and story that reaches out and pulls the reader in – whisking the reader on a trip to new places, to meet new people, to make new friends.