I am excited to share with you the gorgeous, excellent cover for Wild Conviction!
It is inspired! The cover—art and design—is by nirbheek, a designer with Fiverr, Freelance Services Marketplace.
I am absolutely thrilled with nirbheek's creativity, work, and originality. It was a honor to work with him.
Nirbheek has exceptional vision, perfectly capturing in his art and design the "atmosphere" of my novel and of the strong, determined protagonist, sixteen-year-old Twilight, with her mystical horse, Spirit.
For me, it is such a joy to look at this cover. It almost leaves me speechless.
Soon, behind it, will be the pages of Twilight’s story and her wild conviction.
After receiving a letter with secrets both wondrous and life-threatening, sixteen-year-old Twilight Adams sets out to stop the enslavement of children at a wicked plantation, only to face her own captivity.
Know this: Sixteen is power.
1858. Magic surrounds Twilight Adams, but she doesn’t really notice. On her 16th birthday, a special letter from her beloved GrandMama—abolitionist and champion of a secret mystical sisterhood—changes everything.
Opening her eyes to both the wonders and the horrors everywhere, Twilight struggles to grasp her newfound identity. Doing what she knows is right—and believing her emerging powers will guide her—she rushes in with wild conviction to confront the wickedness at a plantation that chains only children.
But is Sixteen power, as her GrandMama wrote to her? What can a spirited young woman actually achieve in an America plummeting to Civil War?
Twilight discovers what the captive children know all too well—survival isn’t freedom.
The above photo of the physical book is a mock-up; the actual print book will be thicker, with spine design differing than what is shown. Photo and mock-up above provided by nirbheek.
Below is also a mock-up. (Created by me using Book Brush)
Wild Conviction will be published early 2023.
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Copyright © 2022 Mary Dezember
Dezember, LLC